
Adjusting $PATH on macOS Mojave (and linking it to Xcode Command Line binaries)

Trying to set PATH environment variable on macOS is hell.

This article presents a simple solution using launchctl utility which meets the following criteria:

  • the PATH change is permanent (that is, it survives system restart);
  • the PATH change is seen and propagated to both GUI and shell applications – that is, both Terminal (bash/Zsh in macOS Catalina+) and applications launched by Spotlight, Dock and Finder see the adjusted PATH;
  • it allows appending a path to existing PATH variable, not just rewriting it to custom value;
  • it should preferably allow setting the PATH on a peruser basis, not systemwide (and thus for all users);
  • lastly, it works (at least) on macOS 10.14 Mojave and onwards

The article will also show how to make Xcode Command Line binaries available to all applications – this will, for example, replace the need to separately install python3 package (which is sometimes a little difficult), since it is part of the Command Line utilities.

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2025/01/09 23:40 · Róbert Toth

Tweaking apps, executables and dynamic libraries with install_name_tool and otool

Sometimes you want to investigate dynamic libraries (*.dylib) the app is using, relink them or remove unused ones from the *.app package. install_name_tool and otool are here to help you with that!

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2025/01/09 18:22 · Róbert Toth

Completely disable macOS CrashReport

While you can Disable OS X crashreporter dialog after application force-quit, this won't prevent CrashReport process from actually starting up after application crash to gather the information and create log.

This can from seconds to dozens of minutes depending on size of the process which crashed.

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2024/11/10 11:50 · Róbert Toth

To brew or to port? Homebrew vs Macports dilemma

Thoughts on macOS Package Managers – slightly outdated, but still a great source of information!

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2024/10/25 18:23 · Róbert Toth

Rclone: configuring root folders, change polling and cleaning directory cache

Finding root folder for mounting OneDrive is quite complicated, as is refreshing directory cache for folder shortcuts in Google Drive, as they are ignored in change polling.

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2024/09/19 09:10 · Róbert Toth

Keepass synchronisation on macOS with pCloud

Some basic info on my workflow.

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2024/08/07 22:04 · Róbert Toth

Resolving quarantine problems on macOS

When your system becomes suddenly sluggish for no obvious reason, it might be a good idea to check for quarantine problems with installed apps or their helper daemons.

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2024/05/03 15:01 · Róbert Toth

Modding Diablo 2 on macOS: PlugY, Enjoy-SP and more

A lot can be changed and tweaked in Diablo 2 – however, lots of modding sites went down in the last couple of years, so it is getting increasingly harder to gain some info on how to do it – especially when running under Wine(skin) on Mac OS X.

In this article I will be slowly gathering my own experiences and manuals for modding and tweaking Diablo II 1.13d. This is and will remain a workinprogress.

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2021/04/13 19:54 · Róbert Toth

Download Safari 13.1.2 after Safari 14 has been released

Apple has this ugly habit that it does not offer you to download previous versions of its software after newer versions came out. But now with serious Safari 14 problems on Mojave, it might make sense to only upgrade Safari to its latest 13th version.

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2020/09/29 19:07 · Róbert Toth

Converting between Unix Timestamp and Local Date in Google sheets

Google sheets do not offer any straightforward way to convert from Unix Timestamp (that is, the number of seconds that passed since 1 January 1970) to local date and vice versa. If you are web admin, this is something you will sooner or later need when passing data between Google sheets and server SQL database.

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2020/09/04 10:47 · Róbert Toth

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