====== Changing the default banner notification time ======
By default, Mac OS X displays notification banners just for a few short seconds. Here's a quick way to change how long the Notification Center banners should be shown before they disappear.
===== Changing the default value =====
The prefs value responsible for the display time is ''bannerTime'' of ''com.apple.notificationcenterui''.
- Open ''Terminal''
- Type in defaults write com.apple.notificationcenterui bannerTime -int SECONDS
- Done!
The system default value can then be restored by typing: defaults delete com.apple.notificationcenterui bannerTime
Original source of solution is [[https://www.cnet.com/news/change-the-notification-center-banner-dwell-time-in-os-x/|here]].
{{tag>os-x fresh-install howto}}
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